Supports the Foundation
Support the SICO Foundation
Every donation you make enables us to train new talent and provide patients with the most advanced care

Join the SICO Club
Become a member of the Friends of the Foundation Club by paying the following annual fee:
Fellow € 500
Supporter € 1,000
Benefactor € 2,500
Patron € 5,000
Golden Donor € 10,000
To make donations:
IBAN: IT32Z020081204500010754602
Bank: UniCredit Banca

One-time contribution
Send a wire transfer of the desired amount to the bank account payable to SICO Foundation, IBAN IT32Z020081204500010754602
Bank: UniCredit Banca

5 x 1000
C.F. 92326950281
Fondazione SICO is registered, with Decree of the Veneto Region no. 1082 of 30.10.2024, in the National Single Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS).
Pursuant to art. 83 of Legislative Decree 117/2017 (Third Sector Code), contributions, donations, and donations made to a Third Sector entity registered with the RUNTS may have the following tax treatment:
For individuals (alternatively)
- A deduction from gross tax (IRPEF) equal to 30 percent of the expense incurred for a total amount in each tax period not exceeding € 30,000;
- The deduction from the net total income (for IRPEF purposes) up to 10 percent of the total declared income. Any excess may be computed as an increase in the deductible amount also in the following four financial years;
For legal entities
- A deduction from the overall net income (for IRPEF purposes) up to 10 percent of the overall declared income. Any excess may be computed as an increase in the deductible amount also in the following four financial years;
To obtain the deduction/tax deduction of the donations made, they must be made through traceable systems.